Lake Long Restoration Plan


The jurisdiction of the Lafourche Parish Game and Fish Commission (Commission) over Lake Long was recently established through a 2010 state statute (LA R.S. 56:722.1B) and Lafourche Parish Ordinance Number 3141.

Lake Long is located on the east side of and adjacent to Company Canal between Lake Fields and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in Lafourche Parish (see following figure).

Lake Long and surrounding water bodies (1=Company Canal,
2=Hollywood Canal, 3=Intracoastal Waterway).

In contrast to Lake Fields, Lake Long has relatively profuse submergent vegetation and viable sport fish and waterfowl populations. However, submergent aguatic vegetation has declined in recent years. Associated with the decline in submergent aquatic vegetation has been an increase in the openings into Lake Long from Company Canal and Hollywood Canal and an increased inflow of turbid, nutrient-enriched water and possibly saline waters from the south. This following figure illustrates the inflow of turbid water from Company Canal.

Inflow of degraded water from Company Canal into Lake Long.

Project Plans

The proposed Lake Long restoration plan has a similar objective to the updated Lake Fields hydrological restoration plan ; that is, to reduce inflow of degraded water into the lake. The reduced input of nutrient laden, degraded water and saline waters into Lake Long will improve water quality and increase submergent vegetation.

There are two openings into Lake Long; one from Company Canal and another from Hollywood Canal. Ideally, both should be reduced in size to restrict inflow of water with the strategic placement (see following figure) and specific arrangement of terraces. However, the opening from Company Canal is the highest priority. Terraces are usually about four times wider at the base than at the top, two feet or more above water level, and should be planted with native vegetation to reduce erosion. In addition to the reduction of degraded and saline water into the Lake, these terraces will create marsh and increase habitat diversity.

Location of openings into Lake Long (X=into Company Canal;
Y=into Hollywood Canal).